Ways To Naturally Improve Digestion Part 2
You may have seen my previous post about ways to naturally improve digestion (pt. 1).
If you haven’t, you can check it out here.
As I mentioned in part 1, digestive disorders, stomach pain and indigestion are far too common.
An alarming amount of us are constantly dealing with these problems.
However, as common as it is, it’s definitely not healthy or natural!
Poor digestion can lead to a host of problems such as abdominal pain, bloating, excess gas, constipation, heartburn, poor nutrient absorption and fatigue.
It’s time to start feeling better and get that digestion improved, naturally!
Let’s take a look at some additional ways to knock out poor digestion.
1. Get Moving
I’m sure you’re getting sick of being told to exercise more but it’s really important for so many reasons, especially aiding in proper digestion.
When you’re up and around exercising, movement and gravity are two key players in helping food make its way through your digestive track.
You don’t have to run a marathon everyday, though.
All you need is a frequent low-level activity such as walking in order to help improve digestion.
Maybe instead of exercising, I’ll phrase it as “not sitting”.
Sitting has become the new smoking and our sedentary lifestyle is creating major problems for our health.
We weren’t meant to be sitting in chairs day in and day out.
When we sit for extended periods each day, it can put a kink in the system and makes the whole digestion process more difficult.
Like I said, an easy fix is to simply walk at a comfortable pace for a few miles a day.
See, moving isn’t so bad. :)
2. Eat More Fat
I will gladly accept this tip of advice.
This is your treat for walking.
All joking aside, fat may really help aid digestion.
Fat is usually something people say to avoid when you’re constipated or have poor digestion.
Fiber is touted as the cure all for digestive issues.
I’m not saying fiber is bad by any means, but some people have a really hard time digesting fiber and it may just make matters worse. (How’s that for a tongue twister)
Fiber bulks but fat acts as a slippery, gliding agent to get everything moving and grooving properly.
So, it’s important to eat the right, healthy types of fat.
(Sorry, time to put down the block of cheese.)
The best fats to consume on a regular basis are coconut oil, animal fat from healthy sources, grass fed butter, olive oil, and fermented cod liver.
Some fats to avoid are margarine and vegetable oil.
3. Up Your Friendly Bacteria
Our gut is made up of over 100 trillion bacteria – both good and bad.
With an amount that extensive, you can see how it might be easy for bacteria levels to become unbalanced.
We run into major problems when the bad bacteria overrun the good bacteria.
Our digestion suffers and we experience all kinds of digestive problems and ailments.
Probiotic supplements are proficient at keeping the bacteria levels in check and promoting a healthy digestive system.
It also helps to take a supplement that not only has probiotics but prebiotics, as well.
Bonus points if the supplement has digestive enzymes!
Eating fermented food is also a great way to get in your daily dose of healthy bacteria.
In Conclusion…
You don’t need to suffer from poor digestion and digestive issues.
Sometimes all it takes is to get moving, eat more healthy fat and up your daily level of healthy bacteria.
A fantastic way to get your daily dose of healthy bacteria is through probiotic supplements.
If you need help finding the perfect probiotic for you, be sure to check out our 10 best probiotic supplements!