Want to Beat The Flu This Winter? Try Taking Some Probiotics
As flu season approaches, warnings are everywhere telling you to get your flu shot so that you can “protect” yourself from this year’s strain of influenza.
But there may be a more practical approach to keeping the bugs and viruses away this year– and it involves probiotics!
Probiotics are the good bacteria living in your gut that help fight off infections caused by viruses, yeast, fungi and parasites.
This “good bacteria” is killed off when you take antibiotics, eat certain foods or are under a lot of stress.
Replenishing with probiotics is one way to help increase your chances of avoiding the flu this year, here’s how…
Aid Digestion
There are more than 500 different types of bacteria living in our digestive tract. Bacteria in our bodies actually out numbers human cells ten to one!
Unfortunately, antibiotics are over-prescribed and have been given to patients to treat viral infections, which cannot be cured by them.
As a result, the antibiotic kills the healthy intestinal flora that helps the body digest.
Doctors will prescribe a probiotic to help increase the healthy bacteria in the digestive tract, which can also help with other digestive issues, like irritable bowel syndrome.
With a healthy gut, the immune system is supposedly empowered.
Improve Urinary Tract
Next, research studies suggest that a probiotic, especially lactobacilli, has been successful at treating frequent urinary tract infections (UTI) in women.
Women with repeated urinary tract infections might benefit from the replacement of Lactobacillus because it has the potential to normalize the vagina and prevent infections.
Dr. Thomas M. Hooton, a professor of clinical medicine at the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine said, “there is a push to develop non-antibiotic methods to prevent and treat infections.”
Again this allows the immune system to keep its defenses strong.
Control Allergies
Research also suggests that probiotics can help reduce or prevent the harshness of allergies like hay fever, cats, dust or mold.
ABC News reported in 2008 that “exposing pregnant mothers and infants to probiotic bacteria could help stimulate the growth of the immune system and potentially play a role in preventing allergies.”
If you suffer from allergies, this can put you at higher risk of contracting the flu.
Boost the Immune System
When you eat a diet full of probiotic-rich foods and maintain good intestinal flora, you also help keep a healthy immune system.
This can help you to fight off the problems listed above which commonly suppress the immune system.
As a result, your defenses against any infections will be stronger; including the pesky flu.
The Final Word: Get Your Probiotics Before Flu Season Hits!
And if you’re looking for which probiotics to try, check out our ranking of the top 10 probiotics.
Hopefully by adding probiotics this fall and winter, you’ll avoid some of the nasty illnesses that always seem to pop up at that time of year.